Eva-Lotta Lamm

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Yoganotes Practice Sessions

Sketching is a lot like yoga: it is a practice. Learning the basics and the theory is only the first step, but to get into the habit, to get confident and fluent, regular practice is key. Sometimes it’s hard to make the time, find the motivation or know exactly what and how to practice when you are on your own.

That’s why I designed a series of sketching practice sessions where we practice sketching yoga sequences together. I made a little video to give you an idea of what we’ve been doing so far:

Each time, we sketch a different yoga flow together. We break down the whole sequence bit by bit, sketch the different postures and transitions and we end up with a visual overview of the sequence that you can use for your home practice or as a starting point for sketching your own flows.

No matter if you are a teacher and you are looking for a more visual way to plan your sequences, or if you are joining a yoga teacher training in the autumn and want to take effective notes to get the most out of the training or if you just love yoga and want to learn something new…, practicing together is a great way to learn and motivate you to keep at it. 

There are still more practice sessions to come and I would love you to join the fun and practice with us. You can even catch-up on the previous sessions through the recordings I made. All you need to do is to sign-up for the 10-class bundle and you’ll instantly get access to the recordings of the 5 previous sessions as well as the Zoom-Links to join the upcoming sessions live.

Sign-up now and let's practice sketching together